The Truimphs keep coming in - looks like about 60 to 80 of them in the motel lots by now. I looked at the rally literature and these guys have some pretty ambitious rides planned. One of them was about a 400 mile loop, as I recall. Long day.
Still no vintage Trumpets, though. Geez, where are the guys from the BritIron list?
to Prineville to see my sister's new digs. Brother-in-law suggested the
long way via Alfalfa and the Prineville reservoir. Good choice. The run
from Bend to the Reservoir is typical Oregon desert, but pleasant and temperate.
ride from the reservoir to Prineville along the Crooked River is one of
the highlights of the Oregon desert. Seventeen miles of twisty road down
the canyon cut from the rocks by the river - steep cliff faces on both
sides of the river, up to the plateau and down to the river. If you're
in the area you should try to ride this road.
A few miles down the canyon I find two Triumphs parked by the guardrail in a turn but only one rider. Uh-oh. Yep, a rider went down earlier this morning and has been carted off in an ambulance with a suspected broken leg. The rider at the scene is sorting out details for towing the crashed bike back to town, I gather. I don't know who the crashed rider is, but he was on a yellow Triumph.
After a visit with my sister I try to hook up with my cousin, no luck. Back to Bend.